Stokes level


Stokes level


Annual membership in the Presbyterian College Friends of Music and an additional gift to PCFOM in honor of Dr. Stokes. Membership is open to all and includes a subscription to the PCFOM newsletter. All gifts, including an annual membership, are tax deductible.

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Dr. Porter Stokes holds the Barksdale Chair in Music at Presbyterian College where he serves as the Chair of the Department of Music and Coordinator of Choral and Activities.  He holds baccalaureate and masters degrees from The University of South Carolina and earned a DMA in choral conducting from the College-Conservatory of Music of the  University of Cincinnati.  There he studied conducting and choral literature with Earl Rivers, John Leman, and Elmer Thomas and has been coached by others such as Roger Wagner, Robert Page, and Gregg Smith.  During his time at the University of South Carolina, he studied with and was a graduate assistant for Arpad Darazs. As coordinator of the choral program at PC, Dr. Stokes is responsible for the Christmas event, Christmas at PC, and for tours by the college choirs.  He is also the Artistic Director and Conductor of the Augusta (GA) Choral Society where he conducts a symphonic chorus that presents an annual subscription series of concerts featuring major works with orchestra.  He is a member of the American Choral Directors Association, the NAfME (SCMEA), Chorus America, and is the designated representative of the college to the National Association of Schools of Music.